Why 'intervention' and not 'tutoring'?
Intervention is an individualized program that targets specific development, such as foundational reading and math skills. It addresses specific learning deficits (e.g. phonemic awareness, number sense) that are preventing the student from reaching grade-level expectations. Intervention will not only help build foundation skills, but will also increase their confidence in all areas of learning.
Tutoring focuses on reinforcing or extending learning in a specific subject. It is often designed to help students understand content they may be struggling with. Tutors usually support students through the curriculum assigned by a classroom teacher.

Key Benefits of Academic 'Interventions'
As educators and parents, we hear...
"We just want to find out where our child is REALLY at - sometimes the report card can be a bit confusing. If they need help, I need to know and then need to know where I can turn to for quality help."